Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weathered the storm

It looks like the worst is over. There is still potential for more raining and gust of winds today, and the mayor has asked us all to stay inside (so of course I will). But it is much quieter here.

We did not get too many gusts of wind up where I live. Some of the loudest were in the late night early morning hours.. and thankfully from what I can see looks like it did not amount to much damage in my neighborhood. A few tree branches are down, but not sure what the rest of the park outside of my view suffered.

My apartment faired well. Some water damage in the Bathroom (the window in my shower had some leaks, but best place for a water leak I suppose ;) And my roommates ceiling has some water damage too. All and all I am glad we were prepared for the worst case, and it turned out to be not necessary.

I am a little bit tired. I stayed up to keep my eye on the tornado watch we were in (every seasoned midwestern girl knows its better to stay awake and find out if that changes to a warning, than call it a night) It is funny because when this all started I kept thinking... "man I wish this were a tornado. I know how to handle that..." never did I consider the thought that hurricanes produce tornados also... but it makes sense when you think about it...

I am off to take a nap, and enjoy a day of staying in and working on some projects. I am not sure what will happen with me going to work tomorrow yet... It is all kind of dependent on the subways being up and running. (I live 17 miles from work) But either way it will work out, I might just work from home.

Hope this found you all safe and sound also!


1 comment:

Emily said...

So glad you were safe and sound thru this whole ordeal. I was relieved to hear that the worst of it was over when I got up this morning.