This is what happens when you go with some friends to New Hampshire for the weekend.. and it takes you a long time to get there so you are really tired and everything seems really funny the next day...
We went to an orchard to go apple picking, and we came across this ladder laying down. I am not really sure who suggested it first, but I do recall the statement being made. "Hey that looks like something that would happen to Gaby apple picking. Gaby go act like you fell with that ladder."
And for some reason this was really logical to me.. and so I did it.. lol There are so many gems about this video. It is kind of hard to hear at the begging of the video but I realize how ridiculous I am and start laughing and then realize people are coming and I should be embarrassed.. so I say "No. We're done." Also notice how I hurt my foot getting up from the fake fall... Weeks later this still just brightens my day :)
When I first saw it without reading it I figured poor Gaby fell with the ladder. Nicely done! And you do look pretty! :-)
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