Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sound bites;)

The last few days of work have been wrapped up in recording sounds for the website (if the product is a wind chime or toy with noise etc.)  It has been an extremely frustrating process.  I mean I know patience is not one of my stronger virtues, but this experience has felt like something that could best be described by Dante.  Fitting probably in the seventh circle's middle ring.  Anyway in my frustration I came to discover what an amazing tool one's G-chat status could be.  

I changed my status to "I need someone who knows how to use pro-tools"  and within minutes friends were sending me messages saying that they knew how and I could call if I needed help or that they have a friend I could call.  I received so many offers to help.  It made me happy that I have so many cool friends that are only a g-chat status away:)

But I have to say by far my favorite message came from my sister.. who wins the award of the day for catching me so off guard and making me laugh.  this is the message she sent me:

"... everyone has their own criteria.  He must be able to sing, be tall, have a good job, etc.  But I like that you are specific on your interest in men: "must be able to record sound using pro tools"  I like that about you."

Well Cat, I think that earlier today that would have even been more important to me than someone who remembers my name..lol  Thanks for the laugh and thankyou to all for helping me out and your quick g-chatting responses!


Mark Weinberg said...

pro-tools...sounds like fun! I like your other new post about the 125th street stop as well. Another great Gaby experience. See you in a little over a week!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the GPS, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://gps-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.