Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Happy Moment

So I was going through some old CDs and DVDs last night and I came across this picture. I have to say that this is one of my happiest memories from the BYU photo program.  We were suppose to be doing an assignment in the basement studio (the dungeon) and like usual it turned into a three hour self portrait session. 

I know, I know, it is a wonder we learned anything with how much we just liked to have fun and do silly things like this... but as I look at this picture I am overwhelmed with things that really matter.  I think far beyond the knowledge I gained, the most valuable thing I can attribute to my years in the program was the life long friendships.  I miss you guys:)  


MegRuth said...

oh man! i love this picture. remember how I printed it huge in Fine Art. I will most assuredly be hanging it up when I get the space.

You can bet your bottom dollar on that one.

britta said...

oh gabitron!! i miss your guts right now! i want to cry and laugh at the same time! i still have my ginormous print!

Capree said...

Oh my gosh! hahaha - that is the best picture ever! Aw.. that makes me sad and happy.. I miss you! I hope you're doing well!

Gabrielle Germaine said...

I know you guys... I had the same reaction when I saw it. I started laughing and then I was all sad. Why can't Utah and New York be right by each other???

That's it I am coming to visit!

brenda barrett-taylor said...

oh wow, we all look so different. those were some good times. i miss that dungeon. what a location, huh? huh?